Skin & hair


We’ve all been there at some point, whether we’re adolescents finding out that our youthful skin is prone to shocking bouts of acne or adults coming to terms with premature hair loss and degradation. These conditions and more, which affect our skin and hair, can have a significant physical and psychological impact on us, and even more so if we do nothing about them.

However, worry not, because at Nature Remedies, our wellness experts know exactly what ails you, and how to deal with it! They will be able to recommend remedies ranging from home-made lotions and moisturizers to specially-crafted shampoo and other products, all intended to bring out your familiar well-known and radiant look!

There are various types of skin issues which can be alleviated via natural remedies, including eczema, atopic dermatitis, fungal infections, burns, wrinkles, acne, anti-aging and more. Your wellness expert is well-versed in all of the potential remedies for these conditions and may recommend products like aloe vera, avocado, coconut oil, grape seed oil, honey and turmeric. These can be applied either topically or via ingestion, but either way, you’ll quickly find that what you’re suffering from will soon pass.

Additionally, some of these same plants and products can be used for hair issues such as dry scalp, loss of hair flexibility and shine and premature baldness. Most of the products will be combined together and applied topically, though some can also be effective while ingested.

While embarrassing, these issues affect millions of people around the world, and are easily solved if caught in time. Your wellness expert will be able to identify the underlying cause for the issues plaguing you and will quickly be able to offer a course of action suitable for your way of life.